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Join Us In6 Weeks To Clarity Now
Learn How To Reclaim 10 Hours Per Week ... & Be Ready For 2023

6 Weeks to Clarity

Master Your Time Mindset 

So that you can up-level your Clarity, Focus, & Confidence to create a business and life that bring you joy & fulfillment ... without sacrificing your relationships, health, and sanity! 

This Experience Is For You If ...

  • You’re constantly “doing, doing, doing” … but just not getting the results

  • You find yourself stuck in distractions & "busy work" … losing hours each week!

  • Life feels like a “roller coaster ride” that goes from being super-busy … to totally depleted

  • You struggle with creating - & sticking to - boundaries between work, family, & "me time"

  • Or ... there are so many things you want to accomplish, but it feels like there's just not enough of you to go around 

  • Yes! I Want To Enroll

    6 Weeks To Clarity Kicks Off Soon!

    The transformation starts on Monday November 14th 

    What Makes This Program Unique ...

    You are unique - so let's celebrate that!

    Content that aligns with your unique needs 

    Because you are unique, this is not an "off the shelf", or "one size fits all" course. I contextualize the content as we go, with your needs, challenges, and desired outcomes in mind.

    Designed for women, & moms, in business 

    As a woman in business you are often juggling multiple roles. You need an approach that gives you flexibility to adapt to those unexpected "curve balls". And that helps you stay mentally and emotionally resilient. 

    Structured for your full schedule

    You are here because you are already managing a full schedule!
    6 Weeks to Clarity
    is a process of small, daily steps. So you start experiencing "wins" from Day 1, without adding overwhelm! 

    PLUS weekly breakthrough calls providing additional support, tailored to you and your situation. 

    Learn How To Master Your Time Mindset In 6 Weeks

    Just In Time For 2023!

    Over Our 6 Weeks Together You Will

  • Reclaim as much as 10 hours per week of your precious time (or more ...), so that you have more time for the things that truly matter to you in your business, relationships, and life.

  • Total clarity about what is most important for you, in your life, right now, so that you are giving your time and energy to those things that truly move the needle for you.

  • Gain the understanding, processes, and tools to help you beat distractions and become more present and focused, so you accomplish each task in less time, with more ease ... and experience more connection and joy in your life.

  • Create healthy boundaries between your work, your relationships, and your "me time", and learn how to hold those boundaries, so you can enjoy a balance that works for you ... and "guilt-free" time for yourself.

  • Start retraining your brain, so that you become consistent with the practices and actions lead to your goals ... and always have more than enough time for the things that matter to you

  • Move away from that sense of overwhelm & depletion, and replace them with a sense of control, calm, and relience.

  • Our Live Group Coaching Kicks Off Soon!

    Enrolments close at Midnight on Sunday November 13th  

    Yes! I Want To Enroll

    Success Stories ...

    Here are some of the stories from women I've coached ... 

    ''Before I started working with Anna, my business was fluctuating, I was struggling financially, and trying to do everything myself. I was feeling quite stuck. I learned to declutter my life, to be more focussed on what I was doing. My business is absolutely booming and I know that Anna's course has played a huge part in having that happen. I am so forever grateful."

    Alina R

    ''Thank you for helping me get back into a healthy balance. The skills and techniques you have taught me are invaluable. Many of them are being passed down to my own children, so you have touched my family in ways we cannot even being to measure!''

    Donielle S

    Bree BV

    ''Things in my business are growing fast and it’s so exciting! A lot of my growth and changes have a direct relation to when I started doing your program.
    Thank you so much for everything!"

    Bree BV

    ''Thank you for all your help. You have helped me see that I can totally have the career I want and make life work for me.''

    Katie B

    ''My business has grown exponentially, more than I’d ever imagined it could.''

    Katrina Harding

    ''If you're on the treadmill of life, I strongly recommend you give this a go.''

    Laura-Jane S

    6 Weeks To Clarity is a combination of small, doable, daily steps, to build momentum. So you can fit this into your busy daily schedule with ease. 

    PLUS weekly live coaching breakthroughs, so that you have the support to break through to your next level, with direct support to personalize and integrate the content into your day-to-day life. 

    AND each participant receives an 1-on-1 coaching call with Anna, to help you break through personal blocks, that could stand between you, and a business and life that bring you joy. 

    6 stages, over 6 weeks, to master your Time Mindset, & up-level your clarity and focus, so that you step into 2023 with the confidence of knowing you are "ahead of the game".   

  • Week 1: Declutter Your Mind, Your Thoughts, & Your Schedule. Clear out the clutter, and take back control of your mental "bandwidth", understand where your time & focus are going. Tools for staying present & focused.

  • Week 2: Uncover Your Personal COMPASS. Gain clarity on what makes you unique, your personal super-powers, your motivators, purpose, and more.

  • Week 3: Beat Distractions. Understand the underlying cause of distractions. Implement your personalized plan for beating distractions to reclaim your time. 

  • Week 4: Build In Balance & Boundaries. Build the "scaffolding" for creating a balance that works for you, now and into the future. And that underpins clear boundaries to protect your work-life, family-life, personal-life, and your other roles. 

  • Week 5: Create Consistency. Learn the secret of how to consistently take the actions that support your desired outcomes ... without "efforting". And gain the tools to integrate this into your daily life.

  • Week 6: Master Your Time Mindset. Start "re-wiring" your brain and nervous system, to create a mindset of abundance ... including abundance of time. Gain tools to go from Chaos to Calm.

  • Personalized Support through weekly coaching breakthrough calls, and our private online commuinity.

  • Lifetime Access to replays of our live calls, and course materials.

  • BONUS #1: Individual Breakthrough Call With Anna Private 1-On-1 call, to fast-forward your results (value: US$300).

  • BONUS #2: From Struggle to Stress-Free Own time learning program (value: US$497).

  • BONUS #3: How To Be Consistent With What Matters Own time learning program (value: US$297)

  • Yes! I'm In!

    Women Supporting Women In Business ...

    11.11% of enrolments goes to the Women's Microfinance Initiative, to help impoverished women in rural East Africa to start their own businesses, and develop the financial & business skills to take control over their livelihoods and their lives ... so they can raise the standard of living for themselves, their families, and their communities, build a more secure future. 

    Learn more about the Women's Microfinance Initiative (WMI) here. WMI has been rated by Charity Navigator. See their rating here.

    Meet Your Coach

    Anna McKinlay
    Lifestyle Breakthrough Specialist

    Juggling running a business, being a parent, running a household, and countless other commitments can feel impossible.

    It’s so easy to become stuck in an endless loop of early mornings, long days, working evenings and weekends just to keep up … and feeling you never enough time.

    This is a pattern that can feel impossible to escape. I know – I’ve been there!

    Hi! I’m Anna McKinlay, parent, entrepreneur, lifestyle breakthrough specialist, and “burnout survivor”.

    I help moms - or mums depending where you live! - to thrive in their businesses, in their relationships, as parents, and as human beings.

    I do this through helping you gain mastery over your time and focus; create wellbeing across the three dimensions of head, heart, and physical health; and build a momentum of accomplishment in your business and your life.

    So that you can expand what is possible in your life, and create a business and life that bring you joy. Want to join me? Let's get started ...